Monday, September 12, 2016

"Danger Ahead"

Backdated, archival post

[link to original on tumblr]


After I figured out (most of) the bass part for "Loser Gone Wild," I also figured out (I think all of) one of the guitar parts in "Danger Ahead."  I was going to record that yester-day, but I didn't have the time.  Now I don't think I'm going to record it at all because it's just a handful of chords and a couple diatonic phrases, so it wouldn't be that interesting to listen to (especially because there are, at most, seven measures of rests between some of those parts).  So I guess I'll just write it down and wait until I learn a part that's more substantial.  Based on that guitar part, I'm pretty certain that the song is in E major, and knowing that might help in figuring out other parts.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

"Loser Gone Wild"

Backdated, archival post

[link to original on tumblr]


Yester-day I listened to Secret Messages for my Collection Audit project.  The bass part for "Loser Gone Wild" sounded like it would be pretty easy to figure out, and I have almost all of it now.  There's a faster section at the end that I haven't attempted figuring out yet.  Unfortunately, the qualities that made this easy to learn also make it sort of boring to listen to by itself.  The first minute or so just alternates between A and D notes.  I'm not sure I have the rhythm right for the "But in the evening…" section.  Here, sometimes I have a quarter rest and sometimes I hold the note.  I neglected to listen carefully enough to the original recording to see what it does.