Monday, October 30, 2023

"Big Wheels"

In an old note I found recently, I remarked that in the first "No, not at all" in the first verse of "Big Wheels," "all" is sung with a melisma (G F), musically giving a sense of degree.  When I went to verify this and find the specific pitches, I also noticed that in the preceding line, "There's no one knows which side the coin will fall," "fall" is sung with a descending melisma (Ab G F, I think), musically giving a sense of the word's meaning.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

"Standin' in the Rain"

I found some old notes about songs on Out of the Blue that I'd forgotten to write about here.

In the line "I'm waitin' all alone" in "Standin' in the Rain, the phrase "all alone" alliterates, and since the two words start with the same sound, there's a sense of the singularity of being "alone."

Saturday, October 28, 2023


In the recurring line "I will be free" in "Eldorado," "free" is sung with a melisma (E F), and since the word isn't limited to a single pitch, there's a sense of its meaning.

Friday, October 27, 2023

"Boy Blue"

I listened to Eldorado yester-day and noticed a couple small features.

Like "Do Ya," a section of "Boy Blue" exhibits anaphora:
I've seen bold knights, dropping down like flies.
I've seen kings, rolling in the mire.
I've seen God, point the finger of doom to our foes.
I have fought in the holiest wars.
I have smashed some of the holiest jaw.
I've been jailed, been impaled, and been dragged through the world.
The repeated "I've (seen)" indicates the amount and variety of the narrator's experience.